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CitrusMail - Performance

Home Overview Business risks from email The CitrusMail solution How CitrusMail works DKIM Integration Performance Screenshots Request information 

Enterprise class infrastructure

CitrusMail is delivered over a distributed resilient architecture running entirely on Sun Microsystems™ SPARC servers and using the Solaris Operating Environment™, widely recognised as one of the most reliable server platforms in the world.    > more

Multiple servers at multiple sites replicate content between them, ensuring that the system can maintain unbroken service delivery to our customers. Knowledge gained from message analysis for one of our customers is used to improve the service for all, providing far greater performance than is generally possible from client or mail server based solutions.

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Service Levels

CitrusMail provides the following service levels to its customers:

System availability99.9%
Average message latency< 5 seconds
Viruses detected100%
Spam detected98%
False positives0.0001%

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